Development packages
If you're serious about catching and are able to attend our World Floorball Goalie Academy on a regular basis, then these WFGA development packages are for you.
If you decide that you are really serious about your development, or you just have a month to prepare for the peak season or a very important game during the season, we have prepared 3 types of development packages for you, which include discounts on individual services.
These are packages that must always be subscribed to a month in advance to be valid and they are valid for exactly that one month. It is possible that you or our trainers will be ill, so it is always possible to make arrangements after a personal consultation and possibly move any unselected items from the package to the next month.
A package for goalkeepers who don't have the space to go to individual training sessions as often, but still want the security of training in that month to improve their goalkeeping skills.
It contains
4x individual practice
Nonstop phone consultation
Personal account in XPS Network
Sporfie records from practices
Price: 2.500,-CZK

A package for goalkeepers who are serious about their individual development and have the time to come to our studio once a week for training. For us, it's an ideal choice because of the regular supervision from our coaches, a great addition to our training sessions and it also includes match feedback so we can analyse and evaluate our whole training process in detail.
It contains
4x individual practice
Personal match analysis (coach on match)
Nonstop phone consultation
Personal account in XPS Network
Sporfie records from practices
Individual Development Card

Price: 3.500,-CZK
A package for goalkeepers who are serious about their development and want to get the most out of our academy. This package includes all the services the academy can provide, making individual skill development the most effective it can be. From an incredible amount of individual coaching, to double match analysis combined with all the free services available.
It contains
6x individual practice
Personal match analysis (coach on match)
Online match analysis (own record)
Nonstop phone consultation
Personal account in XPS Network
Sporfie records from practices
Individual Development Card
Full record from practice

Price: 5.000,-CZK
If none of the above packages suit you, there is the option of our Custom Packages, which you can put together to your liking. For example, wouldn't you like to have the option of a 24-hour phone consultation, but would rather have one extra training session instead? No problem. Choose your preference, email us and we'll work together to make it happen.
Minimal amount: 2.000,-CZK
Make your own package:
Individual practice
Personal match analysis (coach on match)
Online match analysis (own record)
Nonstop Phone Consultation
Additional services:
From 2.500,-CZK
Personal account in XPS Network
Sporfie records from practices
From 3.500,-CZK
Individual Development Card
From 5.000,-CZK
Full record from practice
Prices of analyses and trainings, when our trainer has to go to you outside of Prague, are increased by the price of 4,-CZK/km.